Abbey 180

Masonic Lodge

Ian Eachus Worshipful Master 2014.
I joined the Abbey Masonic Lodge 180 in May 2009 and reached the high office of Worshipful Master in January 2014.
I was nominated as Lodge Steward of Charities in 2011. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with Carrickfergus and District Charity committee and in 2012 I took on the role of events Co-ordinator.
In April 2013 I was elected as the Vice Chairman of the Carrickfergus and District Charity Committee.
Freemasonary is indeed a most treasured and rewarding life. Fraternal and Charitable inclusion has been a real blessing. The brethren I work with and listen to, are a real inspiration to me and I hope to continue on this side of things for the benefit on my Lodge and Free-Masonry in general. Ask not what Masonry can do for me, but what I can do for Masonry.
As my year as Worshipful Master of Abbey 180 has ended, I can only but thank all the Brethren who have been nothing but supportive in what we have attempted to do over the past twelve months. The honour was indeed mine and one I would encourage all to try, and enjoy during their masonic journeys.
Our 150th anniversary is fast approaching (2019) and it is satisfying to know our lodge is in a healthy and happy situation.
Sincerely and fraternally yours,
W.B. Ian Eachus.